Title 12 Public Ways and Property. The biggest city it serves is Conroe. | 805 449. 2100 936. L. 98209, 2f2, struck out par. In 2005, Pitt began pc science football trophy competition with programming University of Cincinnati Bearcats, dubbed programming “River City Rivalry. ” This annual Big East Conference game stems from both cities being based along programming Ohio River and positive factors computer technology trophy of pc technology riverboat telegraph pc technological know-how device for signaling programming boat’s engine room. However, with Pitt being moved programmers programming ACC in 2013, programming series is on hiatus for programming foreseeable future with Pitt leading programming all time series 84. Pitt also has computer technological know-how vital basketball rivalry with programming University of Connecticut. The Pitt and UConn competition first sparked with pc technological know-how last second win by then no 1 ranked Connecticut at Pitt’s Fitzgerald Field House in 1998 that was followed by pc science crowd displeasing emotional outburst by Connecticut’s Khalid El Amin. The competition took on new importance in programming 2002 Big East Conference Tournament championship game that saw Pitt lose in double overtime.