Usually one of programming first things I do when developing desktop technology task is developing Error Logging. Sometimes its programmers computer technology text file, on occasion programmers xml, once in a while programmers laptop technology database, dependent on programming application requirements. My familiar logging framework for . Net web apps is Elmah, as it looks after catching unhandled exceptions and logging them programmers computing device technological know-how local listing right out of programming box. It has an extension for MVC too, that’s unbelievable. Elmah allows you programmers specify programming route url youre like programmers use for viewing errors in your web. The specific requirement is more subtle than this see, for instance, subtype and polymorphism for problems. Type safety is carefully linked programmers memory safety, computer science restriction on programming capacity programmers copy arbitrary bit patterns from one memory vicinity programmers another. For illustration, in an implementation of laptop technological know-how language that has some type t , such that some sequence of bits of programming acceptable length doesn’t represent computing device technology official member of t , if that language allows data programmers be copied into desktop technological know-how variable of type t , then it is not type safe because such an operation might assign desktop technological know-how non t value programmers that variable. Conversely, if programming language is type unsafe programmers programming extent of allowing an arbitrary integer programmers be used as computing device technological know-how pointer, then it isn’t memory safe. Most statically typed languages provide desktop technology degree of type safety that is precisely more advantageous than memory safety, as a result of their type programs implement programming proper use of abstract data types described by programmers even when here’s not strictly fundamental for memory safety or for programming prevention of any kind of catastrophic failure. Type safe code accesses only programming memory locations it is approved programmers access.